Growcoon for trays
The Growcoon for trays specifically improves root ball development in the tray, which means the plant can be transplanted earlier without damaging the roots. Thanks to the support provided by the Growcoon, the roots quickly form a nice root ball. The Growcoon accelerates turnaround and improves yields.

A crop benefits from the Growcoon in various ways:
betere wortelontwikkeling
hogere teeltopbrengst
sneller verplantbaar
100% biologisch afbreekbaar
zero waste en geen toxische resten
efficiënt transport (stapelbaar)
perfecte trayfitting
te vullen met ieder wenselijk substraat

The grower controls the decomposition rate
The speed with which the Growcoon decomposes depends on several factors. It can be accelerated or slowed down by changing the temperature, moisture content or pH. Two types of Growcoon are available, with different decomposition properties: Growcoon Regular and Growcoon Progressive. In the same conditions, the Progressive type decomposes faster than the Regular Growcoon.

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