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The Green East:
Home of green development…

Maan Biobased Products has its own test centre at The Green East in Raalte, the Netherlands, where we carry out tests with the Growcoon on different systems and under different circumstances. We also test new product developments in practice in close collaboration with our sales and chain partners. We use the insights obtained to improve our products, guarantee quality, and provide end users with even better advice. Everything for the best results for plants!


Recent development

Maan Group from Raalte wins Koning Willem I Award for SMEs

Maan Group is overjoyed. The company received the Koning Willem…

Growcoon added to Skal input list

The Growcoon, a biodegradable cutting and seed plug produced by…

Growcoon added to organic input list Germany and therefore allowed in organic cultivation in a large part of Europe

That Growcoon does no harm to the environment is a…

Tjeerd Growcoon_2


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